Greetings from "The Land of Enchantment." I finally made it to New
Mexico, where the trails are in roughly the same condition as when the
pioneers came through and the road shoulders are brightly and
generously decorated with broken glass. Anyway, the last state of
the journey.
The last four days or so have been among the most challenging
stretches so far. Lots of time hovering (up and down) between 10 and
11000 feet with almost no civilization to speak of...before noon today
it has been the slim jim zone for food since dinner in Platoro on
All in all, weather has been good though, cold at night and seasonal
during the day, no overwhelming extremes. The contrast in the length
of daylight between here and Canada is significant...coupled with the
cold, it makes for much shorter riding days. High elevation riding
should come to an end within the next few days, after that I should
regain momentum if it stays mild and not too headwindy in the NM
Met some fellow riders today, nice folks from Oregon, Eric and
Christina. Had a wonderful dinner with them this evening.
All is good, some minor mechanical issues with the bike but I have no
choice but to live with them...not something I am equipped to fix.
Next bike shop isn't till Silver City.
Until next time...
Mileage to date: 2260.28